What kind of Online Casino player are you?

New to this rumpus or just want to have a bit of fun? Take our simple online casino test, rate yourself and find out the type of casino player you are: a high-roller, a card maestro or a novice. Add up your score by adding up the number of the answer. At the end of the quiz, you will be able to place yourself in the appropriate range, and find out what kind of online casino player you are.
Begin your Online Casino Quiz

a) Which car would you prefer to drive?

1. Chevrolet
2. family sedan
3. compact two seater
4. latest sports model
5. any cross-country 4×4 vehicle

b) How old are you?

1. 45 and above
2. 35-44
3. 26-34
4. 18-25

c) Who do you spend your leisure time with?

1. family
2. friends
3. love interest
4. alone
5. work buddies

d) What’s your idea of fun?

1. strolling on the beach at night
2. TV
3. deep sea diving
4. the cinema
5. online casino gambling

e) What’s your favourite game?

1. golf
2. football
3. basketball or baseball
4. rugby
5. casino poker or blackjack

f) What do you prefer to drink?

1. Fruit-drinks
2. Coca cola
3. Pepsi Cola
4. Virgin Cola
5. Wine

g) If you could, which period would you like to visit?

1. the Renaissance
2. French revolution
3. the Wild West
4. the American revolution
5. the Sixties

h) At what time do you get up on a holiday?

1. anytime after 9 in the morning
2. between 8 -9
3. between 7 – 8
4. before 7 am

i) If you came across a shiny coin, what would you do?

1. Wouldn’t even notice it
2. Ignore it altogether
3. Stop to pick it up, but eventually decided against it
4. Pick it up and ask if it belongs to someone
5. Decide that this is your lucky casino coin and carry it with you everywhere

j) Which colour do you like best?

1. white
2. yellow
3. blue
4. pink
5. red

Add up your scores, and look below to place yourself as an online casino player.
If between 10 to 30 – you score as a Novice online casino player

You belong to that class of people that just can’t seem to get enough of the good life. Love glamour, any extravagant casino and a good private exclusive club? Isn’t it true that if you find out that you aren’t in the public eye you don’t exist? The more you are surrounded by glitter, glamour, romance and escapism the better you feel. You seek to be always in the center of things, and you usually are.

In addition, you frequently visit public buildings, historic landmarks and watch or play horse polo and dress in a conservative fashion or in a hip mode. You like to spend time touring castles or country fairs and prefer an expensive lifestyle. You won’t be caught standing in line, anywhere for it would be demeaning.

I recommend you try out our online casino for kings online casino site. You will enjoy a thoroughly royal experience.

If between 31 to 69 – you score as an online casino card maestro You like control and strive on it. You are always in control no matter how stressful and problematic things turn out to be. An expert in solving problems, you have a flair for mastering complicated situations. You easily master any game and your classic and elegant style does wonder for your game. But on the other hand, casualness runs deep. You would prefer a peaceful beach-like existence and are satisfied spending time with your friends or with your loved partner.

For your cool, casual and controlled online casino, I recommend the cool Swiss casino

If between 70 to 100 – you score as an online casino high-roller!
Adventure runs in your bones! You always seek out daring adventures and tintilating episodes for fun. Though you don’t mind being alone, you live for the adrenaline rush you get from bungee or other adventure sports. You need and crave continuous action, and are a Vegas crony – all I have to say is:
“Go and feed your craving at the Casino On NET

Be aware that this online casino questionnaire is for fun only.
Continue to play according to the same strategies] and tips you are aware of while at the different excellent online casino sites, and you will succeed.